Sunday, 26 June 2011

Goodbye School, Goodbye kids, Goodbye Blog

Hi my dear kids!
Time really seems to fly and I'm here again because it's time for goodbyes and these kind of goobyes always hurt.
I would like to say a big thank-you to all of you for your wonderful work on this blog. 
You are very special kids and super great bloggers so I hope you will go on blogging!
Kids, I will miss you very much but it's time for a new beginning at Secondary School.
Be Good and study hard. I hope we'll keep in touch. 

Good luck! :-*)


  1. I'm Adrian Iglsias
    Tacher Thanks!!!
    Is really your the best
    I love you

  2. Adrian Iglesias28 June 2011 at 22:10

    Hi!I'm Adrian Iglesias.
    Teacher Thanks!!! You are really the best.
    I love you!

  3. Thank you my dear Adrian! I'm going to miss you.
    A kiss :-*)

  4. ok!!Tanks I promis have a visit for you

  5. Adrian I.
