Tuesday 27 April 2010

"A little bit on Selena´s routines"by Sofia

Hello everybody:
I go to tell a little bit of Selena Gomez.
First, she wakes up but she feels sleepy.   
Then, she gets up and gets dressed.
Later, she has a shower with her favourite brand soap " l'Oreal"
After that, she has her breakfast. toast, jam , coffe and milk.
Then, she combs her hair and brushes her teeth.
Before that, she goes to her work in the program "The wizards of Waberly Place".
Later, she has lunch and then she goes to her program again.
Then, she helps at home .
After that, she has her dinner.
And later,  she goes to bed and then she sleeps and dreams of  her friend Demetria Devone.

1 comment:

  1. Rahela class 4E11 May 2011 at 20:10

    Hello Sofia:
    I love your work of Selena Gomez!
    congrats and good job!
    see you .*-)
